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RetroSurbia Book Club: Session 1 – Laying the Ground Work (Chs 3-4, 14 & 34)
8 October 2018 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
We’ll be kicking off the book club by laying the ground work for each section of the RetroSurbia book, crossing the Built, Biological and Behavioural fields. The group will then decide on the topic and chapters for the next session.
The first session will cover:
* Chapter 3: (Setting the scene) Where & how we live
* Chapter 4: (Built field) How to assess a property
* Chapter 14: (Biological field) How to assess a garden
* Chapter 34: (Behavioural field) Decision-making, interpersonal relations & conflict resolution
The plan is that we meet on a fortnightly basis, alternating houses between Michelle’s place in Seddon and Elena’s place in West Footscray. To get to know each other and ease into the night, we’ll start at 6.30pm with a cook-up. Bring whatever veg or bits you have and together we’ll make a soup or other dinner treat to share. If you can’t make it then, that’s fine – come along as soon as you can. We expect to start the discussion by 7.30pm or so.
Let us know you’re coming so we can be sure to send you the address. You can email us or get in touch via our Facebook event and send a message to Michelle .
If you don’t have a copy of RetroSurbia yet, you may be able to check out the book from one of the local libraries. You can purchase a copy for $85 plus postage from https://www.retrosuburbia.com/. (If there’s sufficient demand, we can bulk buy and get a 35% discount – let us know asap if you’re interested in this option.)