Come along and meet other permaculture enthusiasts and practitioners and:
- Swap seeds, seedlings, cuttings and all that grows!
- Plan future working bees and permablitzes in the West!
- Plot some inspiring and delightful ways to spread the permaculture word at one of our local permie’s “open house” event during Sustainable House Day!
And stay to check out some of the other groups and individuals in the community who are gathering on the same night as part of the monthly Community Assembly (hosted by Transition Town Maribyrnong and IWCE Inc.).
We POWsters gather at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start and run until 7.45pm when the socialising begins with the other folk who’ve come along to the Assembly.
BYO your good selves and a neighbour/colleague/friend/family or curious passer-by. Light refreshments will be available, courtesy of Alfa Bakery. The Club will open the bar for us, so drinks available at bar prices.
GETTING THERE: The Footscray Park Bowling Club is at the corner of Hoadley Court and Ballarat Road (west of Victoria University). Parking for cars and bikes is off of Hoadley Court, through the Club’s gates.